{BACKSTREET BOYS © U n O f f i c i a l ~ Nick Carter, Brian Littrell, Alex McLean, Howie Dorough, Kevin Richardson __» vr 20.0

Posts written by Zia Ðadina™

  1. .
    Non mi dilungherò più di tanto, nei discorsoni non sono mai stata brava eppoi non c'è molto da dire!

    Questo è stato il primo forum che ho aperto ed infatti ha più di 10 anni, e in questi ha avuto i suoi momenti di splendore, momenti dove si era anche creata una piccola "famiglia" fra i pochi utenti e lo staff.
    Ma negli ultimi anni con l'avvento dei 'social network' è andato tutto perdendosi (sembra che le nuove generazioni preferiscano l'asetticità di un MI PIACE anzichè il calore di un forum dove poter conoscersi e confrontarsi).. per questo motivo è arrivata l'ora di dichiarare ufficialmente l'inattività di questo forum.

    Lascerò dunque questo forum inattivo ma aperto, in modo da non perdere tutte le discussioni create finora. Le sezioni meno attinenti all'argomento del forum verranno rese invisibili (presentazioni, zona grafica, ecc.) mentre rimarranno visibili in sola lettura quelle dedicate ai BSB. In sintesi ecco le modifiche apportate al forum:

    - Non si accettano più nuovi utenti o nuovo staff
    - Chiuse le sezioni presentazioni, grafica, contest e svago in generale
    - Lo staff (se ancora esiste) viene licenziato
    - Non parteciperemo più a lottery e/o contest
    - la nostra iniziativa rimarrà invece aperta a tutti
    - Potrete spammare liberamente in plugboard
    - Potrete scrivere sempre in tag e nella sezione MEMORIES (bacheca)
    - Manterremo tutti gli affi/gemy e rimarremo iscritti a tutte le iniziative a cui partecipiamo

    Un grazie per essere stati con noi e mille scuse a chi ogni tanto veniva qui a curiosare

    Edited by ~ BaByKaoS™ - 16/6/2015, 21:01
  2. .
    Da oggi è attivo nel forum il sistema di scambio link testuali che andrà a sostituire il sistema di scambio banner.
    Come funziona? Semplicemente anzichè pubblicizzarVi con un banner lo faremo con un link testuale (una scritta!)
    Se volete sapere i motivi che ci hanno spinto a tale decisione leggete qui di seguito

    5 buone ragioni per non fare affiliazioni

    1) Non portano visite: Statistiche alla mano, porta più visite un bannerino nella firma di un utente mediamente attivo in 2/3 forum in top 100 che permettono la visualizzazione delle firme all'utenza che un affiliazione con un forum in top 100, in una tabella in fondo tra svariati altri bannerini.

    2) Non sono eque:
    Spesso i forum, per avere più affiliati, usano marquee e scrollbar che diminuiscono ulteriormente la visibilità dei banner, e hanno il vizietto di mettere in bella vista i banner dei forum di loro conoscenti/amici, schiaffando in posizione meno visibile gli altri.

    3) Rendono il forum meno professionale: A parte il fatto che non è esteticamente il top vedere tabelle in fondo con 30 banner di altri forum, visto che spesso nel fare affiliazioni si guarda solo alla top, finendo per affiliarsi con un forum alti nella top ma di basso livello qualitativo e/o lontanissimi dal proprio target d'utenza (diciamocelo, vedere un bannerino forum di pokemon per un utente che frequenta un forum di grafica, non è il top).

    4) Appesantiscono la pagina: La pesantezza delle pagine viene spesso sottovalutata, si pensa sempre al fatto che ormai tutti dispongono di una connessione veloce, ma un forum con una grafica pesante, con scripts, tante sezioni e tabelle, e in più una miriade di bannerini 88X31, rimane pesante da caricare anche a chi dispone di connessioni molto veloci. Una pagina non dovrebbe mai superare i 200kb di peso (anche se alcuni dicono addirittura di non andare oltre i 100 kb per non dare problemi di indicizzazione ai forum, come nelle faq di html.it).

    5) Più affiliazioni, più grane con Gugol: Google sconsiglia ai webmaster di superare i 100 links in una pagina web, rendendo quindi i forum con molte sezioni e molti affiliati potenzialmente penalizzabili. Inoltre, più links ha una pagina, meno PageRank passano i suoi links, avendo molti affiliati si finisce per diminuire il pagerank delle sezioni, e quindi dei topics. Cosa che, ovviamente, sarebbe meglio evitare.

    Sistemi di promozione alternativi? Invece delle affiliazioni, fare scambi link testuali con forum a tema con la propria community, che migliorano il posizionamento su Google; oppure, dei semplici gemellaggi con forum amici di qualità, in posizione molto visibile e in piccolo numero, in modo da "condividere" l'utenza in un piccolo circolo di forum.

    Questo articolo è stato originariamente postato su FFReport.Net il 28 marzo 2009. Potete ripostarlo senza problemi nel vostro forum purchè ci sia una citazione all'autore (azur_poet) e alla fonte (FF Magazine)

    Per poter fare richiesta sarebbe preferibile che i forum da Voi proposti trattassero almeno al 50% di musica/cantanti (ancora meglio se lo sono al 100%), ma sostanzialmente qualsiasi forum può fare richiesta.
    Aprite quindi un topic dove compilerete il form sottostante.

    &#8594; <b>Nome+Link forum</b>
    &#8594; <b>Di Cosa Parla?</b>
    &#8594; <b>Da quanto è attivo il forum (o data di apertura):</b>

    E' IMPORTANTE SAPERE CHE i forum che accetteremo saranno liberi di scegliere se ricambiarci alla pari, cioè con link testuale oppure inserendo un nostro banner, l'importante è che il tutto sia bene in vista. I nostri banner li trovate sempre QUI
    Ricordate che in nessun caso Vi cercheremo per dare conferme nè manderemo MP.. Se siete Voi a fare la richiesta è implicito che torniate a controllare Voi! Noi risponderemo in topic, se entro 3 giorni non farete altrettanto verrete rifiutati!

    Ricordiamo che questo scambio NON vi da il diritto di chiederci aiuti ai contest, se avete bisogno in questo senso esiste la nostra LEGA!
    Info e iscrizioni solo QUI

    Edited by ~ BaByKaoS™ - 11/10/2015, 21:40
  3. .
    Datti da fare allora, perchè ieri (suppongo) il grande passo è stato fatto ^_^

    Ho solo queste foto per ora (madò ma è davvero orrenda, ma solo a me sembra un trans? :/ )



    ... e ora voglio una bella bambinaaaaaaaaaa <3333333 (manco dipendesse da me! XDD )
  4. .
    Ma pensa te .___. si sa anche quali faranno? Nel senso, sarà incentrato sull'ultimo CD o faranno diciamo un pò a caso, i maggiori successi.. un pò a caso insomma xD
  5. .
    Ah ma se vuoi ci possiamo vedere anche senza che siamo necessariamente vicine di posto ;)
    Sono nel settore G mi pare terza o quarta fila ora non la ricordo di preciso :P

    Ma piuttosto, quante canzoni faranno? Praticamente durerà quanto un concerto vero e proprio?
  6. .
    Stavolta ho preso il biglietto pure io evvaiiiiii :P

    .. però se becco la maledetta che fra ieri notte e stamani mi ha fregato il posto nel blocco C fila 9 le passo sopra con un trattore -.-

    ma se oltre ai soldi dovete rimetterci la sanità mentale causa impallamenti vari del server e biglietti che escono dal carrello da soli + problemi vari post acquisto

    Tu sei matta non ne vale la pena ridursi così.. o meglio, per loro tutto è concesso :P ma si prendevano posti buoni anche su ticketone.. soprattutto visto che i posti seduti sono davanti .___. non ho mai visto il parterre in fondo a tutto!
  7. .
    Come da titolo, i BSB faranno delle date estive in aggiunta alla data che hanno già fatto ^__^

    Per adesso sono confermate quella del 22 luglio a Cattolica (Arena della Regina) e quella del 23 luglio a Lucca (Piazza Napoleone)

    I biglietti per Lucca sono attualmente acquistabili su ticketone, mentre quelli di Cattolica al momento solo dal sito ufficiale si possono prenotare, a breve saranno disponibili anch'essi su ticketone ;)

    STAY TUNED per maggiori info ^_^

    Edited by ~ BaByKaoS™ - 21/4/2014, 20:43
  8. .
    Grazie per tenere aggiornato :P
    Col fatto che mi hanno rinnovato il contratto per un altro pò forse potrò permettermelo... forse!!
    Magari come hai detto te ci penserò all'ultimo momento e può pure essere che sarò fortunata coi posti :P

    Edited by ~ BaByKaoS™ - 28/11/2013, 22:07
  9. .
    Ringraziando Alex per la bella mappetta, io continuo a non capirci nulla!! xDDD
    Cmq non so nemmeno se verrò quest'anno, quindi proprio "chi vivrà vedrà!!"
  10. .
    Sticazzi .____.
    Ma dove lo fanno il concerto? Al colosseo?
    .. no perchè visti sti prezzi....
  11. .
    Ecco, vedo che condividi... e il brutto è proprio che le più assurde sono quelle più adulte, quelle che già li hanno visti decine di volte e che dovrebbero dare il buon esempio -.-
  12. .
    Io più che altro ho problemi perchè sabato lavoro e domenica è l'unico giorno che posso riposarmi.. se fossi sicura di fare una cosa non dico veloce, ma cmq almeno avere la certezza di tornare a casa con gli autografi ci andrei ad occhi chiusi.. invece mi sembra di capire che così non è, visto che chi ha già il cd deve aspettare -.- capisco che è una cosa giusta perchè li ospitano, ma io non ho intenzione di comprarne un'altro nè posso andare così alla cieca aspettando i loro comodi =__=

    Cmq se il tempo fosse bello e se non sarò troppo stanca potrei anche tentare......

    Sinceramente preferirei evitare di vederli in Italia, le loro date qui fanno sempre schifo in confronto al resto del mondo
    Se fosse possibile vederli sicuramente andrei all'estero, dove loro sono molto più disponibili con i fans, fanno gli after party e le fans non si scannano facendomi vergognare come una ladra (non tutte per fortuna)
  13. .
    Allora incrocio le dita per te >__<
  14. .
    Tralasciando AJ che potrebbe andare dal barbiere....... sono stupendiiiiiiii!!!!!! :love: :love: :love: Oddio Brian :love: :love: ma com'è che questi più invecchiano e più sono boni? Ma come azz fanno!!!!
  15. .

    You got me wide open, wide open now I'm yours
    You found me heartbroken, heartbroken on the floor...
    Became my salvation, salvation through the war (yeah)
    You got me wide open, wide open now I'm sure...

    In a world like this where some back down
    I, I know we're gonna make it
    In a time like this when love comes round
    I, I know we gotta take it
    In a world like this where people fall apart
    In a time like this when nothing comes from the heart
    In a world like this, I've got you

    And now I'm free fallin', free fallin' in your eyes
    You got me still callin', still callin' no surprise...
    I never knew I could love 'til the end of time (yeah)
    And now I'm free fallin', free fallin' by your side...

    In a world like this where some back down
    I, I know we're gonna make it
    In a time like this when love comes round
    I, I know we gotta take it
    In a world like this where people fall apart
    In a time like this when nothing comes from the heart
    In a world like this, I got you!

    (Ah) Yeah, (Ah) In a world like this...

    You got me, wide open wide open (yeah)
    And now I'm free fallin', free fallin'... !

    (AJ & Brian)
    Hey yeah, yeah (yeah, yeah! )
    In a world like, in a world like... ('Cos I got you! )
    In a world like this... !

    In a world like this where some back down
    I, I know we're gonna make it (we're gonna make it)
    In a time like this when love comes round
    I, I know we gotta take it (In a world like this! )
    In a world like this where people fall apart (they fall apart)
    In a time like this when nothing comes from the heart
    (It comes from the heart)
    In a world like this, I've got you



    [Verse 1 - Nick]
    Out in the rain, looking for sunshine
    I call your name, but you’re like a ghost
    I let you disappear, should’ve never let you go
    I want to say just for the record
    That you still got my heart and my soul
    You know we’re worlds apart, yeah I’ve got to let you know

    [Bridge - Howie]
    You are the piece I can’t replace, oh
    You left a mark that won’t erase, no

    [Chorus - All]
    No one else can teach me how to love again
    ‘Cause you left a permanent stain on my heart and I’ve been feeling it
    Nevermind what people say ’cause they don’t understand
    How you left a permanent stain on my heart and I’ve been feeling it

    [Verse 2 - A.J.]
    Some try to break through the walls
    …but they don’t compare to you
    One chance, I swear I’ll never let you go

    [Bridge - A.J./Brian]
    You are the piece I can’t replace, oh
    You left a mark that won’t erase, no

    [Chorus - All]
    No one else can teach me how to love again
    ‘Cause you left a permanent stain on my heart and I’ve been feeling it
    Nevermind what people say ’cause they don’t understand
    How you left a permanent stain on my heart and I’ve been feeling it

    Ooh ooh ooh ooh
    You left a permanent stain on my heart and I’ve been feeling it

    [Middle 8 - Kevin]
    One should… with time
    Never gonna fade, one can touch the flame and tame the fire
    You are the piece I can’t replace, oh
    You left a mark that won’t erase, no

    [Chorus - All]
    No one else can teach me how to love again
    ‘Cause you left a permanent stain on my heart and I’ve been feeling it
    Nevermind what people say ’cause they don’t understand
    How you left a permanent stain on my heart and I’ve been feeling it

    Ooh ooh ooh ooh
    You left a permanent stain on my heart and I’ve been feeling it
    Ooh ooh ooh ooh
    You left a permanent stain on my heart and I’ve been feeling it



    Roses you left me
    Slowly are fading to gray
    Your coat on the chair
    And the scent of your hair I miss
    The Clock on the wall
    It reminds me of all the better times
    When we walked in the park
    And we whispered in the dark
    And we laughed and cried

    And I never knew alone,
    Wherever you are is home

    Without your lips on mine,
    No, the sun doesn’t shine
    And no, I can’t breathe, I can't breathe
    Your words are a symphony
    Music that sings to me,
    No, I can’t breathe,
    I can’t breathe

    I walked by the store
    And we sat on the floor
    And we ate like kids
    Then someone said hey
    We’re locking the door
    No time to play

    And I never knew alone,
    Wherever you are is home

    Without your lips on mine,
    No, the sun doesn’t shine
    And no, I can’t breathe, I can't breathe
    Your words are a symphony
    Music that sings to me,
    No, I can’t breathe,
    I can’t breathe

    Without your lips on mine,
    No, the sun doesn’t shine
    And no, I can’t, no I can’t breathe, yeah
    You know I can't breathe

    Without your lips on mine,
    No, the sun doesn’t shine
    And no, I can’t breathe, I can't breathe
    Your words are a symphony
    Music that sings to me,
    No I can’t breathe,
    I can’t breathe
    I can’t breathe
    I can’t breathe

    it's not, it's not over
    oh you are, you are my lover

    Don’t say it’s over
    Don’t say it’s over
    ain't not over



    We've been through days of thunder
    Some people said we don't belong
    They try to pull us under
    But here we stand together and were millions strong

    Let's get on with the show (let's get started)
    Turn the lights down low (turn the lights down low)
    You were there from the start (you were there)
    We know who you are

    And this one goes out to


    Everyone, yeah, everyone, everyone
    So this one goes out to you
    We're standing strong
    'Cause of what you've done
    And this one goes out to you

    We've been inside the circus
    We took the pleasure with the pain
    I guess there's something about us
    Whatever comes around we'll always stay the same, oh yeah

    Let's get on with the show (oh, let's get started)
    Turn the lights down low (turn the lights down low)
    You were there from the start (you were there)
    We know who you are
    We know who you are

    CHORUS - repeat

    Now we're minutes away
    'Til it's time to play
    Our heartbeats are rising, they're letting you in
    Time for the show to begin

    We, we're standing strong 'cause of what you've done
    This one goes out to you, you, you
    You make us feel like we've just begun
    And this one goes out to you

    CHORUS x2



    I’ve seen it all a thousand times
    Falling down I'm still alive, Am I? Am I?
    So hard to breathe when the water’s high
    No need to swim I'll learn to fly, so high, so high
    You find the truth in a child’s eyes When the only limit is the sky
    Living proof I see myself in you

    When walls starts to close in
    Your heart is frozen over
    Just show ‘em what you’re made of
    When sun light is fading
    The world will be waiting for you
    Just show ‘em what you’re made of

    Gloves are off, Ready to fight
    Like a lion I will survive. Will I? Will I?
    You gotta stand for something Even if you stand alone, don’t be afraid
    It’s gonna be alright

    You find the truth in a child’s eyes When the only limit is the sky (Woo, woo, woo)
    Living proof I see myself in you, (Oh)

    When walls starts to close in
    Your heart is frozen over
    Just show ‘em what you’re made of
    When sun light is fading
    The world will be waiting for you
    Just show ‘em what you’re made of (Just show ‘em what you’re made of)

    Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh, Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
    Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh, (Just show ‘em what you’re made of) Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
    Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh, Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh, Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
    (Just show ‘em what you’re made of)

    You find the truth in a child’s eyes When the only limit is the sky
    Living proof I see myself in you...

    When walls starts to close in
    Your heart is frozen over
    Just show ‘em what you’re made of (You can show 'em what you're made of! )
    When sun light is fading
    The world will be waiting for you (For you, for you! )
    Just show ‘em what you’re made of (You can show ‘em what you’re made of)

    Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh, Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
    Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh, (Just show ‘em what you’re made of) Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
    Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh, Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh, Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
    Just show ‘em what you’re made of...



    We can only make believe
    Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa
    We can only make believe
    Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

    Something that you said got into my head
    Here I am falling from the edge
    Waiting for the day I can run away with you, with you

    Like angels on fire we burn the sky
    One kiss and we'd say goodbye

    If we can only make believe (Oh)
    You and me, together (Oh, oh)
    We can be a King and Queen (Oh)
    Rule another world forever (Oh, oh)
    We set our course to live or die
    Across the universe I'd be by your side
    If we could only make believe

    We can only make believe
    Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa
    We can only make believe
    Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

    Catch another breath I got nothing left
    This love I have is pulling me to death
    Waiting for the night I can feel alive in you, in you

    Like angels on fire we burn the sky
    One kiss and we'd say goodbye

    If we can only make believe (Oh)
    You and me, together (Oh, oh)
    We can be a King and Queen (Oh)
    Rule another world forever (Oh, oh)
    We set our course to live or die
    Across the universe I'd be by your side
    If we could only make believe

    If we close our eyes
    Let our hearts collide
    Leave the world outside
    Leave it all behind
    If we close our eyes
    Let our hearts collide
    Leave the world outside
    Leave it all behind

    Leave the world outside
    Leave it all behind...

    If we can only make believe (Oh)
    You and me, together (Oh, oh)
    We can be a King and Queen (Oh)
    Rule another world forever (Oh, oh)
    We set our course to live or die
    Across the universe I'd be by your side
    If we could only make believe

    If we close our eyes
    Let our hearts collide
    Leave the world outside
    Leave it all behind
    If we close our eyes
    Let our hearts collide
    Leave the world outside
    Leave it all behind



    Uh, uh I know that you're hurting now
    Seems like there's just no way how
    Feels like it's all gone wrong
    You keep on sipping till you can't go on!
    Don't worry, I'm not by your side

    My shoulder is yours if you need to cry
    Feel the times when life is just too much
    I know you want to, but don't give up!
    Try, baby try
    Give me a moment of your time
    Oh no, don't, don't close your eyes
    I know you're hurt now
    We can work it out
    If we just try, if you just try!
    It's always been just me and you
    You know I've been down there, too!
    Always when I needed you
    You were strong!
    Let me hold you, baby
    When hope is gone!
    Try, baby try
    Give me a moment of your time
    Oh no, don't, don't close your eyes
    I know you're hurt now
    We can work it out
    If we just try, if you just try!
    Holding on, holding on
    We used to know how to!
    Oh, oh, oh if the nights are so long
    It's my favorite time if we just
    Try, baby try
    Give me a moment of your time
    Oh no, don't, don't close your eyes
    I know you're hurt now
    We can work it out
    If we just try, if you just try!



    Let me tell you about this girl I know
    First glance and damn she stole my heart
    She amazes me

    The way she moves, just the way she moves
    Hold me back just the way she moves
    Take me to the Disco
    Make me dance

    Oh Honey spinnin round' like a Queen
    And the way you do your thing
    Oh you're mesmerizing me
    Oh imma tell you how I feel
    And the feeling is so real
    It's so simple

    You've got to call me
    And imma call you back
    Kiss me
    Imma kiss you back
    Love me
    And baby Imma love you back
    You've got to trust me, trust me

    Hold me, Whenever you're alone
    Baby, even when your crazy
    Love me, Baby imma love you back
    Youve got to trust me

    Our love, you and me
    Underneath the willow tree
    Kissing, loving, making sweet sexy baby
    The grass is greener on the other side
    There's no other side when it's you and I
    Tonight, Lets count the stars

    Yeah, oh Time will always be Our enemy
    For tonight baby, Come lie here next to me
    I can never get enough of your blue eyes
    Just another butterfly sigh

    You've got to call me
    And imma call you back
    Kiss me
    Imma kiss you back
    Love me
    And baby Imma love you back
    You've got to trust me, trust me

    Hold me, Whenever you're alone
    Baby, even when your crazy
    Love me, Baby imma love you back
    Youve got to trust me

    Oh lets believe that well find out
    How it feels with something so right
    Don't you think it's time
    To let your guard down

    You've got to call me
    And imma call you back
    Kiss me
    Imma kiss you back
    Love me
    And baby Imma love you back
    You've got to trust me, trust me

    Hold me, Whenever you're alone
    Baby, even when your crazy
    Love me, Baby imma love you back
    Youve got to trust me

    You've got to call me
    And imma call you back
    Kiss me
    Imma kiss you back
    Love me
    And baby Imma love you back
    You've got to trust me, trust me

    Hold me, Whenever you're alone
    Baby, even when your crazy
    Love me, Baby imma love you back
    Youve got to trust me

    Trust me



    Is it too much to ask for
    One minute to breath
    Cause you take my breath away
    Like I'd never sink

    You're the reason why cave men drew on the walls
    The reason why after every summer we fall

    You're the reason I never wanna sleep at night
    Cause nothing that I could dream
    It's better the you by my side

    You know that I love somebody, love somebody
    You know that I love somebody, love somebody
    You know that I love somebody, love somebody

    You know that I, I'm so in love I can die right now and be fine,
    I need you tonight

    You know that I love somebody, love somebody
    You know that I love somebody, love somebody
    You know that I Love somebody,

    When you wake up with no make up
    You try hiding your face,
    You know that I, and it's so cute,
    You don't even know
    How beautiful you are in me

    You're the reason why cave men drew on the wall
    Why after every summer we fall

    And the way the you look in those purple jeans
    It's the sexiest thing I ever see

    You know that I love somebody, love somebody
    You know that I love somebody, love somebody
    You know that I You know that I,

    I'm so in love I can die right now and be fine,
    I need you tonight

    You know that I love somebody, love somebody
    You know that I love somebody, love somebody

    When the games on
    You wear the jersey of my favorite team
    I yell at the TV...
    You're not even mad of me
    You know I love you baby

    I love somebody, love somebody
    I know, I love somebody, love somebody
    You know that I love somebody, love somebody
    You know that I, I'm so in love
    I can die right now and be fine, I need
    You tonight

    You know that I love somebody, love somebody
    You know that I'm gonna love you, gonna love you, gonna love girl Love somebody, love somebody



    Hard to believe it
    It's almost a year since
    I got to hold you, head on my shoulder
    Dodging the daylight, taking the blame I
    It's all I got left, so lately I've spent

    Every single night like its 25 to life
    And this sentence I've been living is alone and unforgiven
    And I'm guilty as charged cause I went and broke your heart
    But even I've got rights, you're always gonna be my

    Always be my one phone call
    All I want, all I need is one phone call
    I'm gonna leave my message at the tone
    Begging pretty baby please come home
    Cause you're my one
    Always be my one phone call

    First time it rings
    I can't help but think of the first time I saw you
    That moment I knew
    Holding the phone tight, I hear the tone twice
    If you just pick up, swear I can fix us

    Every single night feels like 25 to life
    And this sentence I've been living is alone and unforgiven
    And I'm guilty as charged cause I went and broke your heart
    But even I've got rights, your always gonna be my

    Always be my one phone call
    All I want, all I need is one phone call
    I'm gonna leave my message at the tone
    Begging pretty baby please come home
    Cause you're my one
    Always be my one phone call

    So let me make my case
    That way you won't erase the message
    That I'm leaving for you now
    But if you do at least you knew

    Cause you're my one
    Always be my one phone call
    All I want, all I need is one phone call

    I'm gonna leave my message at the tone
    Begging pretty baby please come home
    Cause you're my one
    Always be my one phone call

    You'll always be my one
    You'll always be my one
    Cause you're my one
    Always be my one phone call
    You'll always be my one phone call



    Been down the back roads
    Where the girls are homegrown
    That southern dame’s so
    Sexy how they talk slow
    And something happens in the woods of Kentucky
    Drinking moonshine, bon fire, pour the gasoline

    Farther south
    Where the sweet tequila flows
    Tiny clothes, Yo te amo, México
    Señoritas, we are sippin’ margaritas on the beach
    They got something you can’t teach

    I’ve been all around, all round the world
    Every single part, every part of the world
    Touching down in Rio, Monaco, LA, Tokyo,
    But it all just feels like home
    And it all still feels like home
    And it all just feels like home
    And it all still feels like home

    Rock out in Bangkok, where the party, don’t stop
    Eyes open, blood shot
    Seeing things I’d never thought
    Sweatin’ in the heat
    God I love the way they speak
    Burning up the streets, dancing like a freak

    I’ve been all around, all round the world
    Every single part, every part of the world
    Touching down in Rio, Monaco, LA, Tokyo,
    But it all just feels like home
    And it all still feels like home
    And it all just feels like home
    And it all still feels like home

    So many things to see
    So many eyes to meet
    I couldn’t count them all if I had eternity
    So I just want you to know
    Everywhere that I go
    You take a piece of me

    Beijing, Stockholm, Buenos Aires, to tango
    Moscow, Cape Town, showed us how to get down
    London, Berlin, this is where it all began
    San Juan, Sydney, can’t forget the NYC

    I’ve been all around, all round the world
    Every single part, every part of the world
    Touching down in Rio, Monaco, LA, Tokyo,
    But it all just feels like home
    And it all still feels like home
    And it all just feels like home
    And it all still feels like home



    Wanna be there just in time
    Wanna be your shining knight
    Protect you like a soldier

    I wanna be the first in line
    Be the one to save your life
    All I wanna do is hold you

    But somebody shot you down right in the middle of a war outside
    Words mean so little when you've heard those lies
    You need someone to make you believe, make you believe...oh oh oh

    I will be your soldier
    I, I'll stand and fight until its over
    Oh, and if your heart is getting colder
    You know I will always be your soldier
    Oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh oh
    And if your heart is getting colder
    You know I will always be your soldier

    You don't have to hide your scars
    I'll be there when you fall apart
    And fix you like a soldier

    You don't have to go to far
    Baby just lay down your arms
    Now that the battle's over

    But somebody shot you down right in the middle of a war outside
    Words mean so little when you've heard those lies
    You need someone to make you believe, make you believe...oh oh oh

    I will be your soldier
    I, I'll stand and fight until its over
    Oh, and if your heart is getting colder
    You know I will always be your soldier
    Oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh oh
    And if your heart is getting colder
    You know I will always be your soldier

    Oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh oh
    And if your heart is getting colder
    You know I will always be your soldier

    Somebody shot you down right in the middle of a war outside
    Words mean so little when you've heard those lies
    You need someone to make you believe, make you believe!

    I will be your soldier (I will Ooh)
    I, I'll stand and fight until its over (Ooh yeah)
    Oh, and if your heart is getting colder (You know, you know!)
    You know I will always be your soldier (Soldier)
    Oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh oh
    And if your heart is getting colder (Heart is getting colder)
    You know I will always be your soldier (Soldier, soldier)
    Oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh oh (I will be your soldier, oh yeah)
    And if your heart is getting colder (You know, you know)
    You know I will always be your soldier
3190 replies since 23/10/2003